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Visi & Missi


PT. PUTRI SAMAWA MANDIRI  is  seriously to recruit and supply Indonesian Workforce Candidates from the best Candidates and have the Character of Virtuous People with Good Character by channeling Worker Candidates to the Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific, Asia and Europe and others. Our Values 1.      People a.We care about people and the role of work in their lives. b.We respect people as individuals, trusting them, supporting them, enabling them to achieve their aims in work and in life. c.We help people develop their careers through planning, work, coaching and training. d.We recognize everyone's contribution to our success - our staff, our clients and our candidates. e.We encourage and reward achievement. 2.      Knowledge a.We share our knowledge, our expertise and our resources so that everyone understands what is important now and what is happening next in the world of work - and knows how to respond. b.We actively listen and act upon this informat

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